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Alexander Technique Science

A site is devoted to improving scientific understanding of the Alexander Technique—its principles, practices, reported and demonstrated benefits, and terminology.

American Society for the Alexander Technique (AmSAT)

Largest professional organization of certified Alexander Technique teachers in the United States. Information on the Alexander Technique and a searchable database of teachers.


Recommended online articles and videos.

Balance Arts Center (BAC)

Founded in 2008 by my colleague Ann Rodiger. Located in NYC, BAC offers a wide range of programs including private lessons, group classes, workshops, conferences, intensives, and an Alexander Teacher training program. Many hybrid and online offerings as well as in-person.

Body Learning: The Alexander Technique Podcast

A podcast devoted to all aspects of the Alexander Technique.

Complete Guide to the Alexander Technique

This comprehensive website has a wealth of information on the Alexander Technique.

Constructive Rest

Information on a simple floor practice you can do on your own.

Less Effort More Ease

A blog for anyone interested in exploring posture in a way that’s fun and interesting—and differs from the standard advice you’re usually given. I will never tell you to stand up straight and pull your shoulders back (I promise!) It’s based on my years working with the principles of the Alexander Technique as well as my own experiences managing a body with chronic pain.

Body Wisdom at Medium.com

I have written articles for this publication since 2019. All my articles are free to read, no membership required.

Minnesota Center for the Alexander Technique (MinnCAT)

1600-hour Alexander Teacher training program in Minneapolis, MN. Graduates are eligible for certification through AmSAT. Private lessons also available.


Information on research into the effect of Alexander Technique lessons on reducing chronic low back pain and other conditions.

Short History of the Alexander Technique

The fascinating story of F.M. Alexander, the man whose discoveries lie at the heart of the Alexander Technique.